Richmond Hill State School P&C is an important link between families and school management and administration and is part of several key decision making processes and fosters community involvement.
We are so lucky to have an active P&C team. We are blessed to have volunteers and seek more volunteers to give time to work in our school tuckshop and lend a hand by working in classrooms. These are just some ways volunteers in our school make a difference and enrich our school family.
The P&C also provides the tuckshop service to the school community.
P&C meetings
Every 3rd Thursday of the month at 5.30 pm in the Staffroom.
Our P&C Executive
President: Carol King
Treasurer: Miss Kerri Forno
Secretary: Michael Parker
Night Markets Co-ordinator: Miss Kerri Forno
Tuckshop Convenor: Caitlin Griffin