
Teaching and learning


​Richmond Hill State School is a learning community, focused on preparing students for life in a changing world. Richmond Hill State School’s curriculum is dynamic, innovative and focused on learning for life. We have a reading culture within the school and push the need for all students to read every day both at school and home. Students are expected to read daily with an emphasis on comprehension in reading time. We believe reading is the key to student academic success.

Richmond Hill State School implements the Australian Curriculum.  Key Learning Areas are taught as pure disciplines with opportunities to integrate across the learning areas. All students study English, Maths, Science, Humanities & Social Sciences, Music, Dance, The Visual  and or Media Arts, Design & Technologies and Health and Physical Education. Students in Years 5 &6 have the opportunities to study Japanese as their Language Other Than English (LOTE).

Literacy is taught in all subject areas. Information and Communication Technologies (ICTs) are integrated within unit and lesson plans.

Opportunities to participate in various extra-curricula activities are provided eg instrumental program, representative sports, musical events and academic competitions.

Our school is proud to provide quality educational programs in Swimming, Physical Education, Instrumental Music, Choir, Library, Art and Craft, Student Support and Sport.

Regular and comprehensive reporting is an important part of our core business at Richmond Hill State School. We are committed to providing parents and the community with readily interpretable reports on student progress.  A variety of formal and informal modes of reporting are used to keep students, parents and the wider community informed on all aspects of student achievements. Teachers report on what has been learned and how well it has been learned using state-wide A-E standards.

To strengthen consistency of teacher judgment and comparability of reported results, our teachers are required to engage in moderation processes at the end of each Semester using the Australian Curriculum (AC) Achievement standards and QCARF standards.

Formal reports are issued to parents twice a year, at the end of each Semester. They are guided by the ACand QCARF Standards and use the Education Queensland reporting formats. These reports provide a summary of student progress in a range of academic and non-academic aspects of schooling. All teachers report orally to parents twice yearly (Term 1 and 3) to inform, through conversations and data interrogation, about their child’s progress.

Richie  will continue to maintain other assessment tasks including the National Grade 3 & 5  NAPLAN Tests.

View  more information about the Australian Curriculum, parents can view the ‘Parents’ section of the Australian Curriculum website.

Homework is valued as reinforcement of classroom learning with a school wide emphasis on reading daily. It is also part of school expectations for our our students  to be engaged in Gotcha events  at the end of each Term.

Last reviewed 19 June 2023
Last updated 19 June 2023